The revolutionary solution to the strangulation risk to children from chains and cords on blinds.

Children Anti-Strangulation Blinds

- No accessible cords or chains
- A compact wand to easily operate your DecoraSafe blinds
- The wand is free hanging and does not require an attachment to walls or window frames
- The crank can be inserted into the left or right side of the wand
- Aesthetically appealing design with an ultra slim profile
- DecoraSafeTM provides an alternate option for operating the blinds. You can access the chain by using the chain pusher tab, which exposes a small section of the chain to enable you to manually pull the chain to operate the shade. When the chain pusher tab is released, the chain will automatically retract back into the wand remaining concealed and out of the reach of children.
- The DecoraSafe™ wand has full directional flexibility and swivels to various angles for operating the blinds or shade.
- Low cost

Diagram 1 – The chain pusher tab is in the closed position and the chain is totally concealed and inaccessible.
Diagram 2 – To raise the shade push the tab on an angle away from the window. A small section of the chain becomes accessible which will enable you to pull the chain outwards and then pull it downwards. Once done, flip the tab to its closed position as in diagram 1 and the chain will automatically retract back into the wand.
Diagram 3 – To lower the shade push the tab on an angle toward the window to access the chain and then pull the chain downward. Once done flip the tab to its closed position as in diagram 1 and the chain will automatically retract back into the wand.

As parents and even grandparents, the issue of child safety and the possibility of strangulation are of the utmost concern for us at Maxxmar. We have devoted our resources towards developing this solution to ensure that no child should ever suffer injury or a fatality due to hanging cords or chain loops on any window covering.
The DecoraSafe™ line will ensure that your curious and exploring children are safe in your home.
* According to published statistics corded window coverings have been causing child strangulations leading to injuries and fatalities. For full details on the background statistics and the proposed Canadian Government regulations please visit the following websites:
Consumer Federation of America: https://goo.gl/m1EmkQ
Health Canada Press Release: https://goo.gl/eT8MKL
Dangers of corded window coverings for children (warning! graphic content): https://goo.gl/z5YNXn

DecoraSafeTM by Maxxmar Window Fashions